Cherry Pics

Welcome, my friend.

It was a wonderful weekend. It seemed like cherry blossoms were blooming at every corner in the town.

Friday night at Heiwa-Dori Boulevard near Hitachi Station. It was quite a happy night with O-san and W-san, enjoying some beer and wine.

Saturday at a school playground.
Maybe my best picture this season.

Sunday afternoon at an open space near my house. A typical Japanese countryside spring scene.

Sunday afternoon at Heiwa-Dori Boulevard. A tunnel of cherry blossoms.

Although the trees came to a full bloom just a couple days ago, the petals started falling off. Another short cherry season is coming close to the end.

Late Sunday afternoon, at the top of a 300m hill near a seaside industrial town.

A cloudy Tuesday morning. Less flowers, but more green leaves. The season is about to change to the next step.

It's raining right now in a Tuesday midnight, and it is likely that the rain will wash away the petals bery soon.



Wine Bar La Soie (ラ・ソワ)

2019-04-15 台北旅行 4日目(2) 金瓜石・水湳洞
